What is UART?
“UART” stands for Universal Asynchronous receiver-transmitter. It is a peripheral that is present inside a microcontroller. The function of UART is to convert the incoming and outgoing data into the serial binary stream. An 8-bit serial data received from the peripheral device is converted into the parallel form using serial to parallel conversion and parallel data received from the CPU is converted using serial to parallel conversion.
Why UART is used?
Protocols like SPI (serial peripheral interface) and USB (Universal Serial Bus) are used for fast communication. When high-speed data transfer is not required UART is used. It is a cheap communication device with a single transmitter/receiver. It requires a single wire for transmitting the data and another wire for receiving.

In most cases RS232 levels range from -12V to +12V. For instance, an ASCII value for a character ‘A‘ in RS232 is 65 and 41 in Hexadecimal. So in 8-bit binary format, it is 0100 0001. Here shows the representation of RS232 logic levels for ASCII ‘A‘.
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