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Protected: L298N DC Motor Control

We well take a look at some basic techniques for controlling DC motors and make two example through which we...

Protected: Control Servo Motors

Overview There are many types of servo motors and their main feature is the ability to precisely control the...

Protected: Stepper Motor

Arduino Bluetooth Basic Tutorial Ever thought of controlling any electronic devices with your smart phone?

Protected: Robot Arm with Smartphone

Robot Arm which can be wirelessly controlled and programmed using a custom-build Android application, starting from designing and 3D printing the robot parts, connecting...

50 Tips and Insights About Productivity, Happiness, and Life

Happy Sunday from Software Expand! In this week's edition of Feedback Loop, we talk about the future of Windows Phone, whether it makes sense...

StreetScore scores a street view based on how safe it looks...

Happy Sunday from Software Expand! In this week's edition of Feedback Loop, we talk about the future of Windows Phone, whether it makes sense...
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