Extremely simple Barometer pressure measuring system with BME280 and OLED
A modern MEMS implementation of the mercury-based one due to the Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli, nowdays something smaller and energy-efficient device and easier to ...
Extremely Simple Bluetooth Remote Control
Using a popular Bluetooth HC-05 device, thanks to its low power consumption, to communicate wirelessly between an Arduino Uno and an Android smartphone,...
Extremely Simple Precise Digital Clock on OLED Display
Using a backup-battery DS3231 RealTimeClock module, through an Arduino Uno the current time is displayed onto a SSD1306 OLED together with local temperature value, even with...
Elegoo Microphone Sensor Module with Arduino
The Sound Detector is a small board that combines an electrect microphone and some processing circuitry. It provides not only an audio output, but also a...