Ultrasonic sensor
Ultrasonic sensing is one of the best ways to sense proximity and detect levels with high reliability.
It emits an ultrasound at 40 000...
3X4 or 4X4 matrix membrane keypads
Membrane Style Keypads: they’re thin and they also have adhesive backing so you can stick them to most flat surfaces.
How Keypads Work
I²C or I2C is an abbreviation of Inter-Integrated Circuit, a serial communication protocol made by Philips Semiconductor (now it is NXP Semiconductor).
It is created with an intention of...
DHT11 DHT22, Temp/Humi
Start sensing the world around it with the inexpensive DHT11 or DHT22 Digital Temperature & Humidity Sensor. These sensors are pre-calibrated and don’t require extra components, so...
Termistors, how they work
A thermistor is a semiconductor temperature sensing
module, its value of the resistance is larger than the conductive
substances and less than the insulators. The materials used for the...
595 Shift Register
595 series shift registers come in many flavors. SN74HC595 is the most usual.
There are many ways to drive multiple LEDs, which in sum would require...
SPI interface, the basics
La traccia superiore è la linea dei dati, la traccia media è il clock e la traccia inferiore è il chip-select. La sovrapposizione blu sulla traccia dei...
Serial Communication, What is
Serial communication is the
most widely used approach to transfer information between data
processing equipment and peripherals. In general, communication means
interchange of information between...
UART interface
Remember when printers, mice, and modems had thick cables with those huge clunky connectors? The ones that literally had to be screwed into your computer? Those devices were probably...
LEDs Bar with MAX72XX
MAX72xx series (MAX7219 and MAX7221) LCD driver can control up to 8 seven segment LED displays or 64 individual LEDs (great for 8x8 LED matrix). However...
Leds bar with shift register
Basics of 74HC595
74HC595 is a shift register which works on Serial IN Parallel OUT protocol.It receives data serially from the microcontroller and then sends out...