Personal Googled Website by 3agv2004
Home Workshops


An inventory of electronics projects

Single Joystick Remote Control Transmitter using NRF24L01

This is an Arduino compatible open-source hardware that includes 1 x joystick, NRF24L01 RF module, Atmega328D microcontroller, 3.3V regulator, power LED,...

Expansion Shield – Breakout Board for Arduino Nano

If you need to interface many devices and sensors to Arduino Nano, then, this project is for you. This is a...

A tour of the Arduino UNO board

If  you like experimenting with different electronic components but don’t have sufficient know-how, then Arduino is what you need to make a start…

Configure/Pair Two HC-05 Bluetooth Modules as Master/Slave

In this Arduino Tutorial we will learn how to configure and pair two HC-05 Bluetooth Modules as Master and Slave devices.You...

Robot Car Wireless Control using HC-05 Bluetooth, NRF24L01 and HC-12 Transceiver Modules

In this tutorial we will learn how to wirelessly control the Arduino robot car that we made in the previous video. I will show you...

Shield di apprendimento

Un modo pratico per apprendere la programmazione in Arduino è avvicinarsi a sketch già scritti ed a sensori molti diffusi e...

APK collection

teraterm-4.106.exeDownload com.electro_tex.bluetoothcar_130_aabDownload

Bluetooth GPS Output APK

Bluetooth GPS Output for Android is a output app specially designed to be fully-featured location app. Share your GPS location over...

DIY Robot Car

Primo prototipo di robot car in grado di spostarsi in autonomia. Comandare questo robot con Arduino UNO, scelto per sfruttare una motor shield in grado di gestire i due...


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Modern Language Wars, PHP vs Python vs Ruby

Happy Sunday from Software Expand! In this week's edition of Feedback Loop, we talk about the future of Windows Phone, whether it makes sense...
Doping in semiconductors


595 Daisy Chain

595 Shift Register


MAX72-21/19 Arduino Library

Arduino with 595


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