Personal Googled Website by 3agv2004

Robot Car Wireless Control using HC-05 Bluetooth, NRF24L01 and HC-12 Transceiver Modules

In this tutorial we will learn how to wirelessly control the Arduino robot car that we made in the previous video. I will show you...

APK collection

teraterm-4.106.exeDownload com.electro_tex.bluetoothcar_130_aabDownload

Bluetooth GPS Output APK

Bluetooth GPS Output for Android is a output app specially designed to be fully-featured location app. Share your GPS location over...

DIY Robot Car

Primo prototipo di robot car in grado di spostarsi in autonomia. Comandare questo robot con Arduino UNO, scelto per sfruttare una motor shield in grado di gestire i due...


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Extremely simple Barometer pressure measuring system with BME280 and OLED

A modern MEMS implementation of the mercury-based one due to the Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli, nowdays something smaller...
Complete Arduino Serial

Complete Arduino Serial

Arduino with 595

Data transmission via SPI interface

SPI versus I2C


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