Call By Value and Call By Reference
While calling the Function in C Programming, we can pass the function parameters in two ways:
Call By ValueCall By Reference
This article will explain to...
Simple Arduino SPI Experience
In signal conditioning unit,
the output of the sensor may be amplified, filtered or modified to the
desired output voltage. For example, if we consider a microphone it
Experiencing Arduino SPI (interrupt)
A Microcontroller uses many different protocols to communicate with various sensors and peripherals. There are many protocols for wireless and wired communication. Most of the things that...
Elegoo Microphone Sensor Module with Arduino
The Sound Detector is a small board that combines an electrect microphone and some processing circuitry. It provides not only an audio output, but also a...
Practical Guide
The Arduino Uno board has over 20 pins that you can use for many different applications. In this post I’ll give you a complete and practical overview of the...
Simple UART by Arduino
ExaMPLE #1
Remote LED blinking
Here a simply circuit consisting of two Arduinos with the following connections:
SPI implementation on Arduino
SPI stands for Serial Peripheral Interface and it is a way to send data between microcontrollers and other small devices. It is a synchronous data bus, meaning...
Arduino with 595
As my goal only to demonstrate different approaches I connected to LEDs only 4 out of 8 outputs of 74HC595.
595 Shift Register
595 series shift registers come in many flavors. SN74HC595 is the most usual.
There are many ways to drive multiple LEDs, which in sum would require...
MAX72-21/19 Arduino Library
These two chips provide an easy way to control either an array of 64 Led's or up to eight digits made of 7-segment displays with a minimum...