New 2018 appbook!

A brochure

to teach and learn linear electrical circuits

If you’ve found yourself having to repeat calculations throughout your electronic circuits, replace several instances of the same value, or lose yourself in a mess of experiments, this brochure is for you.

You can choose between Spice2 and Spice3. Both include variables, functions, reusable components and other syntax enhancers that will save you a lot of time.

Learn Linear Circuits with my ebook!

This ebook is a step by step guide in which I teach you how to perform simulations on your own personal linear circuits from scratch, line by line, with Spice2 and Spice3.


4 sections

9 chapters

50 lessons

Element Card

29 lessons La rappresentazione matematica dei dispositivi elettrici
  1. 01 La convenzione dei segni
  2. 02 Gli elementi circuitali
  3. Resistorelineare
  4. Capacitore lineare
  5. Induttore lineare
  6. Generatore lineare indipendente di tensione
  7. Generatore lineare indipendente di corrente
  8. Generatori lineari controllati
  9. Generatore ideale di corrente controllato in tensione
  10. Generatore ideale di tensione controllato in corrente
  11. 03 Forme d'onda predefinite in Spice
  12. DC, forma d'onda stazionaria
  13. EXP, forma d'onda a impulso esponenziale
  14. PULSE, forma d'onda a impulso trapezoidale
  15. PWL, forma d'onda lineare a tratti
  16. SIN, forma d'onda sinusoidale smorzata
  17. SFFM, forma d'onda modulata in frequenza